LAB Publications and presentations



Decker-Woodrow, L., Mason, C. A., Lee, J. E., Chan. J. Y. C., Sales, A., Liu, A., Tu, S. (in Press). The impacts of three educational technologies on algebraic understanding in the context of COVID-19. AERA Open

Chan, J. Y. C+., Closser, A. H*., Ngo, V*., Smith, H*., Liu, A+., & Ottmar, E. (2023) Examining shifts in conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and procedural flexibility in the context of two game-based technologies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1–16.

Chan, J. Y. C.+, Byrne, C**., Jerusal, J**., Liu, A+., Roberts, J**.,&  Ottmar, E. (2023). Keep DRAGging ON: Is solving more problems in DragonBox12+ associated with higher mathematical performance? British Journal of Educational Technology.

Lee, J+., Jindal, A*., Patki, S*., Norum.,R**., & Ottmar, E. (accepted with minor revisions). A comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting student performance in an online mathematics game. 

*Paper nominated for 2022 Best Paper Award- AERA Instructional Technology.

Woodrow-Decker, L., Miyaoka, A., Hartman, N., Booker, B. & Ottmar, E. (In press). Emergent coding and topic modeling: A comparison of two qualitative analysis methods on teacher focus group data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 

Closser, A. H.*, Chan, J. Y.-C+., & Ottmar, E. R. (2023). Resisting the urge to calculate: The relation between inhibitory control and perceptual cues in arithmetic performance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Chan, J. Y. C.+, Linnell, L. D**., Trac, C.**, & Ottmar, E. (2023). Test of Times New Roman: Effects of font type on mathematics performance. Educational Research for Policy and Practice

Lee, J+ , Stalin, A*., Ngo, V*, Drzewiecki, K*, Trac, C**., & Ottmar, E. (2023). Show the flow: Visualizing students’ problem solving processes in a dynamic algebra notation tool. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 

Ngo, V*., Perez  Lacera*, L,, Closser*, A., & Ottmar, E. (2023). The effects of operator position and superfluous brackets on student performance in simple arithmetic. Journal of Numerical Cognition.

Chan, J. Y.-C., Closser, A. H., Smith, H., Lee, J.-E., Drzewiecki, K. C., & Ottmar, E. (in press). Grasping patterns of algebraic understanding: Dynamic technology facilitates learning, research, and teaching in mathematics education. In K. M. Robinson, D. Kotsopoulos, & A. Dubé (Eds), Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence: Integrating Interdisciplinary Research Into Practice.


Chan, J. Y. C., Ottmar, E., Smith, H.*, Closser, A. H.* (2022). Effects of variables versus numbers on students’ problem-solving processes and strategies. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 

Iannachionne, A., Ottmar, E., Ngo, V., Mason, C., Chan, J.Y.C, Smith, H., & Shaw, S. (2022). Examining relations between math anxiety, prior knowledge, hint usage, and math performance in two different online learning contexts. Instructional Science

Lee, J. E+., Chan, J. Y. C+., Botelho, A*., & Ottmar, E. (2022). Does slow and steady win the race?: Clustering patterns of students’ behaviors in an interactive online mathematics game. Educational Technology Research and Development.

Arroyo, I., Harrison, A*., Castro, F., ,Smith, H*., Ottmar, E. & Micciolo, M.. (2022) Supporting technology-augmented game creation and play through a teacher professional development program. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.

Smith, H*., Closser, A*. H., Ottmar, E. & Chan, J. Y. C. +. (2022) The Impact of Algebra Worked Example Presentations on Student Learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 

Lee, J. E+., Hornburg, C. B., Chan, J. Y. C+., & Ottmar., E. (2022). Perceptual and number effects on students’ solution strategies in an interactive online mathematics game. Journal of Numerical Cognition. 

Chan, J. Y. C., Sera, M. D. & Mazzocco, M. M. M. (2022). The influences of relational language on early numeracy skills. Child Development.

Chan, J. Y. C+., Lee, J. +, & Ottmar, E. R., (2022). Slow down to speed up: Longer pause time before solving problems relates to higher strategy efficiency. Learning and Individual Differences. 

Chan, J. Y. C., Scalise, N. R. (2022). Relations between executive function, numeracy, and mathematics achievement in early childhood. Cognitive Development.DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101154 


Closser, A. H., Erickson, J. A., Smith, H., Varatharaj, A., & Botelho, A. F. (2021). Blending Learning Analytics and Embodied Design to Model Students’ Comprehension of Measurement Using Their Actions, Speech, and Gestures. In Abrahamson, D., Worsley, M., Pardos, Z., Ou, L. (Eds.) International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (IJCCI) Special Issue on Learning Analytics of Embodied Design: Enhancing Synergy.

Chan, J. Y. C+., Lee, J.+., Mason, C., Sawrey, K.+., & Ottmar, E. (2021). Equivalence task in From Here to There!: A digital algebraic notation system impacts conceptual understanding in middle school mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Chan, J. Y. C+., Smith, H.*, Closser, A. H.*, Drzewiecki, K. C.*, & Ottmar, E. (2021) Number vs. variable: The effect of symbols on students’ math problem solving. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society.

Chan, J. Y. C., & Mazzocco, M. M. M. (2021). Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods to develop a comprehensive coding manual: Measuring attention to mathematics in play contexts. Methods in Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.metip.2021.100044


Abrahamson, D., Nathan, M. J., Williams–Pierce, C., Walkington, C., Ottmar, E. R., Soto, H., & Alibali, M. W. (2020). The future of embodied design for mathematics teaching and learning. In S. Ramanathan & I. A. C. Mok (Guest Eds.), Future of STEM education: Multiple perspectives from researchers [Special issue]. Frontiers in Education.  

Chan, J. Y. C., Praus-Singh, T. L. & Mazzocco, M. M. (2020). Parents’ and young children’s attention to mathematical features varies across play materials. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 157, 65-77. 

Harrison, A., Smith, H., Hulse, T., & Ottmar, E. (2020). Spacing out!: Manipulating Spatial Features in Math Expressions Affects Performance. Journal of Numerical Cognition. 

Smith, H., Harrison, A., Ottmar, E. & Arroyo, I. (2020). Supporting Technology-Augmented Game Creation and Play Through A Teacher Professional Development Program. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Mathematics Teacher Education, 20(4). through-game-play-and-design-a-professional-development-program/

Mazzocco, M. M. M., Chan, J. Y. C., Bye, J. K., Padrutt, E., Praus-Singh, T. L., Lukowski, S., Brown, E., & Olson, R. E. (2020). Attention to number varies across individual and task contexts. Journal of Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 

Sawrey, K. B., Chan. J. Y. C., Ottmar, E., (2020) Equivalence tasks in a digital algebraic notation system promotes performance in middle school mathematics. In M. Gresalfi & I. S. Horn (Eds), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)  Vol. 3 (pp. 1657-1660). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences. 


Hulse, T., Daigle, M., Manzo, D., Braith, L., Harrison, A., & Ottmar, E. (2019). From Here to There! Elementary: A Game-Based Approach to Developing Early Algebraic Understanding. Educational Technology Research and Development. 1-18. 09653-8 

Ottmar, E.R. (2019). The effects of deeper learning opportunities on student achievement: Examining differential pathways. Psychology in the Schools. 1-16. 

McMullen, J., Chan, J. Y. C., Mazzocco, M. M, & Hannula-Sormunen, M. (2019). Spontaneous mathematical focusing tendencies in mathematics development and education. In A. Norton and M. W. Alibali (Eds), Constructing Number: Merging Perspectives from Psychology and Mathematics Education (pp. 69 – 86). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 

Nathan, M.J., Williams-Pierce, C., Walkington, C., Abrahamson, D., Ottmar, E., Soto, H., & Alibali, M.W. (2019). DCL Synthesis and Design Workshop: The Future of Embodied Design for Mathematical Imagination and Cognition. White paper to appear at, and submitted to the Rapid Community Report series ( 

Ramakrishnan, A., Ottmar, E., LoCasaleCrouch, J., and Whitehill, J. (2019). Toward Automated Classroom Observation: Predicting Positive and Negative Climate. IEEE Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition. 

Ottmar, E., Harrison, A., Walkington, C., Abrahamson, D., Nathan, M. J., & Smith, C. (2019). Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) Working Group. In S. Otten, Z. de Araujo, A. Candela, & C. Munter (Eds.), “Against a new horizon”—Proceedings of the 41st annual conference of the North-American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1913–1923). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri. 

Sawrey, K. B., Chan. J. Y. C., Ottmar, E., Hulse, T., (2019). Experiencing equivalence with Graspable Math: Results from a middle-school study. In S. Otten, A. G. Candela, A. de Araujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds) Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1738-1743) St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri. PMENA%2041%202019%20Proceedings.pdf 









Liu, A. S., Vanacore, K., & Ottmar, E. (2022). How reward- and error-based feedback systems create micro-failures to support learning strategies. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y. Kali (Eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (pp. 1633-1636). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Norum, R., Lee, J. E., & Ottmar, E. (2022). Student profiling on behavioral patterns in an online mathematics game: Clustering using K-means. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y. Kali (Eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (pp. 1942-1943). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Closser, A. H.*, Smith, H.*, Chan, J. Y.C. (2022). Algebra Students’ impression of equation solving worked examples in an online environment [Brief Research Report]. In Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN. 

Closser, A. H.*, Chan, J. Y. C., Smith, H.*, Ottmar, E. (2022). College students’ input on the design of worked examples for online environments [Empirical Research Report]. In Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN. 

Liu, A. S., Vanacore, K., & Ottmar, E. (2022, June). How reward- and error-based feedback systems create micro-failures to support learning strategies. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan. (Hybrid conference)

Liu, A. S., Vanacore, K., & Ottmar, E. (2022, July). How error- and reward-based feedback systems help students persist and learn through failure in game-based learning. In Developmental perspectives: Digital interventions and mathematics learning in typical and atypical populations. Symposium to be conducted at the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Bye, J, Lee, J. E., Chan, J. Y. C., Closser, A. H.*, Shaw, S., Ottmar, E. (2022, April) Perceiving precedence: Order of operations errors are predicted by perception of equivalent expressions. Poster presented in the 2022 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA.

Lee, J., Jindal, A., Patki, S., Norum.,R., & Ottmar, E. (2022). A comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting student performance in an online mathematics game. Full paper presented in the 2022 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA.

*Paper nominated for 2022 Best Paper Award- AERA Instructional Technology 

Chan, J. Y. C., Closser, A. H.*, Ngo, V.*, Smith, H.*, Ottmar, E. (2022, April) From performance to perception: A laboratory-based task to detect changes in students’ perception of math equivalence in technology interventions. Roundtable discussion presented in the 2022 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA.

Norum, R., Lee, J. E., & Ottmar, E. (2022). Student profiling on behavioral patterns in an online mathematics game: Clustering using K-means. Poster presented at the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan. 

Liu, A. S., Vanacore, K., Chan, J. Y.-C., Ottmar, E., Shaw, S., Decker-Woodrow, L. E., & Tu, S. (2022, June). How math anxiety moderates the relation between feedback and persistence-related behaviors. Poster accepted for the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.

Smith, H., Ngo, V., Sales, A., Closser, A. H., Chan, J. Y. C., & Ottmar, E. (2022, June) To wait or not to wait: Adding to the debate on immediate vs. delayed feedback [Poster]. The 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2022, Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Lee, J. E., Stalin, A., Ngo. V., Drzewiecki, K., Trac, C., & Ottmar, E. (2021). Show the flow: Visualization of students’ solution strategies with Sankey diagrams in an online mathematics game. In de Vries, E., Hod, Y., & Ahn, J. (Eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Sciences (pp. 887-888). Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Lee, J. E., Ottmar, E., Chan, J. Y. C., Booker, B., Decker-Woodrow, L. (2021) In-Person vs. Virtual: Learning modality choices and movement during COVID-19 varies depending on students’ ethnicity and prior academic performance. Paper presented at the 2021 Conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Virtual.

Chan, J. Y. C., Smith, H., Closser, A. H., Drzewiecki, K. C., & Ottmar, E. (2021). Number vs. variable: The effect of symbols on students’ math problem solving. In T. Fitch, C. Lamm, H. Leder, K. Teβmar-Raible (Eds), Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 2836-2842). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna. [PDF] 


Smith, H.**, Chan, J.Y.C., St .John, J.**, Ottmar, E., & Arroyo, I. (2020). Is Bigger Better? Comparing the Effects of Linear Board Games on Children’s Numerical Knowledge. Poster accepted at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Smith, H**., Harrison, A**., Chan, J.Y.C., & Ottmar, E. (2020). Dynamic vs. Static: Which Worked Examples Work Best? Poster accepted at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Drzewiecki, K**. & Ottmar, E. (2020). Preliminary Exploration of the Role of Math Anxiety on Performance Outcomes in Mathematics Learning. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Ottmar, E., Iannacchione, A**., Chan, J.Y.C., & Drzewiecki, K**. (2020).Examining Relations of Math Anxiety and Algebra Performance in Two Technology Interventions. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Ottmar, E., Sawrey, K., Chan, J.Y.C., & Lee, J. (2020). Moving From Here to There!: Improving Conceptual Understanding of Algebraic Equivalence. Symposia talk presentation accepted at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Chan, J. Y. C., Ottmar, E., Sawrey, K. B., & Lee, J. E. (2020). Longer pre-solving pause time relates to higher strategy efficiency. In Chan, J.Y.C & Bye, J.K. (Co-chairs), Problem-solving strategy in algebra: From lab to practice. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Chan, J. Y. C., Lee, J. E., & Ottmar, E. (2020). Using clickstream data to better understand students’ algebraic thinking. Collaboration pitch accepted for presentation at the 2020 Mathematical Learning and Cognition Society Conference. Dublin, Ireland.  

Sawrey, K., Chan, J. Y. C., Ottmar, E. (2020) Equivalence Tasks in a Digital Algebraic Notation System Promotes Performance in Middle School Mathematics. International Conference in Learning Sciences. Nashville, TN

Harrison, A**., Smith, H**., Botelho, A., Ottmar, E., & Arroyo, I. (June, 2020). For good measure: Identifying student measurement estimation strategies through actions, language, and gesture. Poster paper accepted to the 2020 International Conference of the Learning Sciences. (Conference Cancelled)

Chan, J. Y. C., Sawrey, K. B., Hulse, T.**., & Ottmar, E. (April, 2020). Think before you act: Thinking time contributes to math problem-solving efficiency. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, CA. (Conference Cancelled)

Harrison, A**.., Smith, H**.., Hulse, T**.., & Ottmar, E. Spacing out!: Manipulating Spatial Features in Math Expressions Affects Performance. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, CA. (Conference Cancelled)

Nathan, M. J., Harrison, A., Smith, H., Ottmar, E., Abrahamson, D., & Williams-Pierce, C.  (October, 2020). Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) Working Group. In Ana Isabel Sacristán & José Carlos Cortés (Eds.) (pp. xx-xx), Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the North-American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. 


Daigle, M**., & Ottmar, E, (2019). Deeper Learning in Paraguay: Relations between Student Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Skills, Outcomes, and Aspirations. Paper presented at the 2019 International Convention of Psychological Science: Paris, France. 

Smith, H**., Harrison, A**., Ottmar, E., Arroyo, I., (2019). Quantity and Quality of Gestures are Related to Performance on an Embodied Geometric Estimation Task. Poster presented at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society conference.

Valente, R**., Harrison, A**., Ottmar, E., & Arroyo, I. (2019). Using action and movement to develop students’ understanding of measurement in a technology-augmented game. Poster presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Trumbull, Connecticut.

Chan, J.Y.C., Hulse, T.**., Sawrey, K., Ottmar, E., (2019, November) Students' behavior in a dynamic algebra notation system as indicators of their algebra skills. Poster presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). St. Louis, Missouri.

Sawrey, K. B., Hulse, T**.., Chan. J.Y.C., Ottmar, E., (2019, November). Experiencing Equivalence with Graspable Math: Results from a Middle- School Study. Brief Research Report presented at 2019 North American Division of the Psychology and Mathematics Education Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Chan, J.Y.C., Hulse, T**.., Sawrey, K., Ottmar, E., (June, 2019) Experience with a dynamic algebra notation system predicts high-school students’ algebra performance. Poster presented at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.  

Hulse, T**., Ottmar, E.. Developing Measures of Mathematical Proficiency in a Learning Technology. Paper presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, April, 2019. San Diego, CA.

Sawrey, K., Ottmar, E., Hulse, T**., Weitnauer, E., Harrison, A**. (accepted). Exploring Dynamic Learning Technologies for Experiencing Algebraic Notation. Discussion session presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, April, 2019. San Diego, CA.

Harrison, A. (February, 2019). The language of gestures: Developing a novel coding guide. Poster presented at the annual Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) competition at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


Ottmar, E (2018). Examining Differential Pathways of Deeper Learning. Invited Presentation at the Excellence in Education Research: Early- Career Scholars and Their Work Event.

Harrison A**., Ottmar, E., Arroyo, I., Rosenbaum, L., Bakker, A., Abrahamson, D., Hulse, T**., Manzo, D**., & Landy, D. (2018, April). Embodiment and action in mathematics games. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association’s conference on Technology, Mind & Society, April 5-7, 2018, Washington, DC.

Harrison, A**., Hulse, T**, Manzo, D**., Micciolo, M**., Ottmar, E., & Arroyo, I. (2018). Computational thinking through game creation in STEM classrooms. Poster presented at the 2018 conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, London, UK.

Micciolo, M**., Arroyo, I., Ottmar, E., Hulse, T**., & Harrison, A**. (2018). The Wearable Learning Cloud Platform for the Creation of Embodied Multiplayer Math Games. Paper presented at the 2018 conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.

Hulse, T**., Harrison, A**., Arroyo, I., & Ottmar, E. Developing Methods to Implement Embodied Game Design for Mobile Learning Technologies in STEM Classrooms. Paper accepted at the 2018 conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education 

Ottmar, E. (2018). The Effects of Deeper Learning Opportunities on Student Achievement: Examining Differential Pathways. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference. New York, NY.

Manzo, D**., & Ottmar, E. (2018). Understanding The Student Perspective Through Dynamic Technology. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Education Research Conference. 

Hulse, T**., Daigle, M**., Manzo, D**., & Ottmar, E. (2018). Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference. New York, NY. 

Ottmar, E., Melcer, E., Abrahamson, D., Nathan, M., Fyfe, E., & Smith, C. (2018). Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) working group. Paper and working group presented at the 2018 conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 

Hulse, T**., Harrison, A**., Arroyo, I., & Ottmar, E. (November, 2018). Developing Methods to Implement Embodied Game Design for Mobile Learning Technologies in STEM Classrooms. Poster presented at the 2018 conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Greenville, SC.

Hulse, T**., Harrison, A**., Arroyo, I., Ottmar, E. Developing Methods to Implement Embodied Game Design for Mobile Learning Technologies in STEM Classrooms (November, 2018). Poster presented at the 2018 conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education.

Hulse, T**., Harrison, A**., Micciolo, M**., Arroyo, I., & Ottmar, E. (2018). Developing and Measuring Computational Thinking Through Game Design in STEM Classrooms. National Science Foundation Early Career Researcher Poster presented in the Technology and Instructional Design Category at the London Festival of Learning.

Harrison, A. (July, 2018). Utilizing movement and action for mathematics learning in an online algebra game. Doctoral Consortium presented at the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Buffalo, New York.

Harrison, A. (April, 2018). Hands-on geometry: Exploring fine motor actions during problem solving. Poster presented at the annual Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) competition at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


Arroyo, I., Micciollo, M**., Casano, J., Ottmar, E., Hulse, T**., and Mercedes Rodrigo, M. (2017). Wearable Learning: Multiplayer Embodied Games for Math. Paper presented at the Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '17) Conference. Amsterdam. 

Nathan, M.J., Williams-Pierce, C., Abrahamson, D., Ottmar, E., Landy, D., Smith, C., Walkington, C., DeLiema, D., Soto-Johnson, H., Alibali, M.W., & Boncoddo, R. (2017) Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) Working Group.  Working group presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter conference.

Manzo, D**., Ottmar, E., Landy, D. (2017). Poster presented at The Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, Indianapolis, IN. 

Micciolo, M**,  Hulse, T**., Daigle, M**., Arroyo, I., & Ottmar, E. (2017). From players to creators: teaching computational thinking through playing and creating embodied math games. Poster presented at The Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, Indianapolis, IN.

Ottmar, E (2017). The effects of deeper learning opportunities on student achievement: Examining differential pathways across network and non-network schools. Invited Presentation at the Excellence in Education Research: Early-Career Scholars and Their Work Event.

Ottmar, E., Manzo, V., & Timko, M. (2017). Whats this? Just Listen: Using Sonification to Reveal the Invisible. Video presented at the 2017 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase. 

Arroyo, I., & Ottmar, E. (2017). Video presented at the 2017 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase. 

Landy, D., Ottmar, E., & Weitnauer, E., (2017). Graspable Math. Video presented at the 2017 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase. 

Braith, L**., Daigle, M**., Manzo, D**., & Ottmar, E. (2017). Even Elementary Students Can Explore Algebra!: Testing the Feasibility of from Here to There!, a Game-Based Perceptual Learning Intervention. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Society Conference, Boston, MA. 

Ottmar, E. (2017). Graspable Math: Dynamically Linking Multiple Representations and Revealing Flexible Strategies. Project presented at the Cyberlearning 2017 Gallery Walk. Washington DC. 

Ottmar, E., Landy, D., & Manzo, D**. (2017) Graspable Math: A Technology for Assessing Multiple Strategies at Scale. Discussion Session presented at the National Council for Teachers in Mathematics Research Conference, San Antonio, TX. 

Ottmar, E., Manzo, D**., Landy, D., & Achgill, C.**, Weitnauer, E. (2017). Assessing Variation In Mathematical Strategies Using Dynamic Technology At Scale. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Nathan, M., Ottmar, E., Abrahamson, D., Williams-Pierce, C., Walkington, C., & Nemirovsky, R. (2016). Embodied mathematical imagination and cognition (EMIC) working group. Paper presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, Tuscon, Arizona.  

Manzo, D**., Ottmar, E., & Mercouris, V**. (2016). Getting a grasp on mathematics misconceptions. Poster presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, Tuscon, Arizona.


Goldstone, R., Landy, D., Ottmar, E., & Weitnauer, E. (2015, November). Algebraic Reasoning as Spatial Transformations of Physical Notation : Enhancing education through cognitive psychology. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Chicago, I llinois. 

Ottmar, E.R. Landy, D., & Weitnauer, E. (2015, November). Getting from here to there: Effects of a dynamic algebra intervention. Paper presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, East Lansing, Michigan. 

Ottmar, E.R., Landy, D., Goldstone, R., & Weitnauer, E. (2015, August). Getting from here to there!:Testing the effectiveness of an interactive mathematics intervention embedding perceptual learning. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Pasadena, California. 

Ottmar, E., Baroody, A. E, & Rimm-Kaufman, S. (2015, April). Can social and emotional learning interventions help decrease the gender achievement gap in mathematics? Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 


Ottmar, E. & Landy, D. (2014, April). Concreteness fading of algebraic instruction: Effects on learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


Landy, D. & Ottmar, E. (2013, September). The Pushing Symbols Intervention: Preliminary Results. Presentation given at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness  (SREE) Conference, Washington, DC. 

Landy, D. & Ottmar, E. (2013, July). Mathematics is a game played with symbols. Poster presented at the Games and Learning Society Conference, Madison, WI. 

Landy, D., Ottmar, E., & Goldstone, R. (2013, April). The development of perceptually implemented processes in arithmetic. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Seattle, Washington. 

Ottmar, E., Hulse, T.**, Pierce, J.**, & Landy, D. (2013, April). Pushing symbols: An intervention to increase understanding of algebraic notion. Work session and paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Denver, CO.


Ottmar, E.R. & Landy, D. (2012, November). Pushing symbols: Teaching the structure of algebraic expressions. Paper presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, North American Chapter, Kalamazoo, MI. 

Ottmar, E.R., Landy, D., & Goldstone, R. (2012, August). Teaching the perceptual structure of algebraic expressions: Preliminary findings from the pushing symbols intervention. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo, Japan. 

Ottmar, E.R., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., & Larsen, R. (2012, April). Relations between Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, Mathematics I nstructional Quality, and Student Achievement in the Context of the Responsive Classroom (RC). Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Philadelphia, PA.


Luisa Perez-Lacera, Masters, (May 2022), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Vy Ngo, Masters, (May 2022), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Avery Closser, PhD (May 2022), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Daniel Manzo, PhD (May 2020), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Hannah Smith, Masters, (May 2020), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Taylyn Hulse, Masters, (May 2019), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Avery Harrison, Masters, ( May 2019), Learning Sciences and Technologies

Maria Daigle, B.S (2018-19) Psychological Sciences

Matthew Micciolo, Masters, (December 2018) Interactive Media and Game Design 

Lindsay Braith, B.S. (2016-17) Psychological Sciences